Auction Tips

  • Auction Tips
  • Go Early.
  • Inspect the item (s ) you want to buy.
  • Almost all item(s) sold at auction are sold AS IS, WHERE IS, meaning it is the responsibility of the buyer to inspect the item (s)
  • Stay Late ( Some great deals are always found at the end of the auction.
  • Set a price that you are going to bid and stick to it
  • Make a list of the items you are interested in.
  • Before bidding get your bidders number.
  • Find out what the terms of the auction are.
  • ( Can I write a check?)
  • ( Does the auction take credit cards?)
  • ( If so what kind of credit cards does the auction take)
  • ( Is there a buyers premium?) If so how much, Remember the buyers premium is added to your final bid price so keep that in mind when bidding.
  • Always keep your bidding card with you while at the auction. Discard the card after you get home. Remember the auction registers you with the bidding number and that is how they tell how much you owe. If someone else picks up your card and bids with your number you will owe the money for it. So keep it in your pocket until you get home.
  • If you are interested in furniture remember to bring a long blankets to wrap the furniture in and of course a truck to haul the furniture in.
  • Bring a long a few boxes and some paper to wrap your glassware in. If you don’t have any boxes or paper ask the auction staff they usually have extra boxes and paper and will be glad to give some to you.
    Remember to bring some lawn chairs and an umbrella in case of rain ! Oh ! an extra jacket would not hurt .